Color Names: "Red, Blue, Green"

What is a Color?

Colors are an integral part of our lives, and learning their names in English is essential for communication and descriptions. This lesson covers basic colors and their usage in English.

Primary Colors

There are three primary colors in English, which serve as the foundation for creating other colors:

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors:

Describing Colors

Colors are often used to describe objects, emotions, or situations. Consider the following examples:

Using Colors

Here are some useful guidelines for using colors in English:


To master color names and usage:

Exercises: Color Names: "Red, Blue, Green"

1. Write the Colors

Write the following colors in English:

2. Identify the Colors

Identify and underline the colors in the following sentences:

3. Describe the Colors

Describe the following objects with their colors:

4. Arrange the Colors

Arrange the following colors in alphabetical order:

5. Use Colors in Sentences

Create sentences using the following colors:

6. Fill in the Colors

Complete the following sentences with the correct colors:

7. Mix the Colors

Write what colors are created by mixing the following:

8. Correct the Colors

Find and correct the color mistakes in the following sentences:

9. Group the Colors

Sort the following colors into primary and secondary groups:

10. Create a Dialog with Colors

Write a short dialog using the following phrases:

What color is this? / It’s blue. / What about that one?