The pronunciation of numbers in English depends on their structure. Simple numbers (1–20) can be learned through memorization, but complex numbers require attention to their construction. For example:
One: "u-wun"
Twenty-one: "twen-tee-wun"
One hundred: "wun hun-dred"
One thousand: "wun thou-zand"
Writing Numbers
Writing numbers in English corresponds to their pronunciation, but it’s important to follow these rules:
0–20: Each number has a unique written form. For example: one (1), two (2), fifteen (15).
Tens: Tens are written with the suffix "-ty." For example: thirty (30), fifty (50), ninety (90).
Thousands: Thousands and larger numbers use the words "thousand" and "million." For example: one thousand (1,000), five thousand (5,000).
Writing Complex Numbers
Complex numbers use a hyphen ("-") between tens and units:
21 – twenty-one
45 – forty-five
99 – ninety-nine
Hundreds and larger numbers are written as follows:
356 – three hundred fifty-six
1,234 – one thousand two hundred thirty-four
Tips for Pronouncing Numbers
To improve your pronunciation of numbers, follow these tips:
Memorize the pronunciation of simple numbers.
Focus on the parts of complex numbers when pronouncing them.
Listen to audio materials and repeat the pronunciations.
Practicing Writing
To reinforce writing numbers, use the following methods:
Write out tens and units.
Pronounce and write thousands and hundreds.
Compare written and pronounced forms of numbers.
Exercises: Pronunciation and Writing
1. Choose the Correct Pronunciation
Select the correct pronunciation for the following numbers:
30 → thirty / threety
45 → forty-five / fourty-five
100 → one hundred / one handred
2. Write Numbers in English
Write the following numbers in English:
3. Practice Pronunciation
Practice pronouncing the following large numbers:
4. Complete the Number Writings
Complete the writing of the following numbers:
67 → sixty-_______
123 → one hundred _______-three
1,000 → one _______
5. Arrange in Correct Order
Arrange the following numbers from largest to smallest:
400, 56, 1,234, 78
6. Find the Correct Spelling
Rewrite the following with the correct spelling:
Fivety → _______
Twinty → _______
Ninty → _______
7. Follow Pronunciation Rules
Fully write and pronounce the following numbers:
8. Complete the Sentences
Fill in the following sentences with numbers:
There are _______ apples on the table. (24)
The price is _______ dollars. (156)
The book has _______ pages. (500)
9. Check Pronunciation
Learn the pronunciation of the following numbers:
10. Add the Numbers
Add the following numbers and write them in English: