Pronunciation and Writing

Pronunciation of Numbers in English

The pronunciation of numbers in English depends on their structure. Simple numbers (1–20) can be learned through memorization, but complex numbers require attention to their construction. For example:

Writing Numbers

Writing numbers in English corresponds to their pronunciation, but it’s important to follow these rules:

Writing Complex Numbers

Complex numbers use a hyphen ("-") between tens and units:

Hundreds and larger numbers are written as follows:

Tips for Pronouncing Numbers

To improve your pronunciation of numbers, follow these tips:

Practicing Writing

To reinforce writing numbers, use the following methods:

Exercises: Pronunciation and Writing

1. Choose the Correct Pronunciation

Select the correct pronunciation for the following numbers:

2. Write Numbers in English

Write the following numbers in English:

3. Practice Pronunciation

Practice pronouncing the following large numbers:

4. Complete the Number Writings

Complete the writing of the following numbers:

5. Arrange in Correct Order

Arrange the following numbers from largest to smallest:

400, 56, 1,234, 78

6. Find the Correct Spelling

Rewrite the following with the correct spelling:

7. Follow Pronunciation Rules

Fully write and pronounce the following numbers:

8. Complete the Sentences

Fill in the following sentences with numbers:

9. Check Pronunciation

Learn the pronunciation of the following numbers:

10. Add the Numbers

Add the following numbers and write them in English: